Saturday, January 07, 2006

Well, when we went to the supermarket I made sure we had enough healthy food, Nimble bread; Salad; Swede (to bulk out potatoes because it's 0 points).

I "pointed" all the leftovers, and rationed it Eg Tesco Stollen 3 points per slice, so I cut it up and put it into clingfilm, so it's harder to cheat on the portions, but I don't have to throw it away.

I did go swimming with MT, but the walk there (in the park) was dark so we've agreed to meet in the car park from now onwards.

I will try to post my latest morning weight even if it's not weigh in day (Monday), when I post:
Current Weight (CW) 13 st 9.5lbs (191.5lbs)

I could definitely lose half a stone in January.


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