Monday, January 09, 2006

Week 1 results

Loss/Gain this week:Total Loss to Date: -1lb (week 1)
Current Weight (CW) 13 st 10lbs (192lbs) Current BMI 30.5
8-Week aim 12st 13lbs (181lbs) - 27th February 2006 BMI 28.8
Easter Goal Weight 12st 2.5lbs (170.5lbs) -17th April 2006 BMI 27.1
Goal Weight (GW) 11st 1.5lbs (155.5lbs) - 26th June 2006 BMI 24.7
Start Weight (SW) 13 st 11lb (193lbs) - 2nd January 2006 BMI 30.7

Weighed more on weigh in day than I did on Saturday .... boo!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Well, when we went to the supermarket I made sure we had enough healthy food, Nimble bread; Salad; Swede (to bulk out potatoes because it's 0 points).

I "pointed" all the leftovers, and rationed it Eg Tesco Stollen 3 points per slice, so I cut it up and put it into clingfilm, so it's harder to cheat on the portions, but I don't have to throw it away.

I did go swimming with MT, but the walk there (in the park) was dark so we've agreed to meet in the car park from now onwards.

I will try to post my latest morning weight even if it's not weigh in day (Monday), when I post:
Current Weight (CW) 13 st 9.5lbs (191.5lbs)

I could definitely lose half a stone in January.